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The Absolute Best Ways to Use Salves

The Absolute Best Ways to Use SalvesSince ancient times, people have been trying to achieve healthy bodies, in particular the quality of their skin. Over the years, millions upon millions of products have been developed by some of the largest cosmetic and skincare companies in the world.

Unfortunately for the consumer, many of these products are loaded up with harsh and unnatural chemicals that are not only a concern for your health but tend to do more harm than good to your skin.

Today more and more people lose faith in their conventional lotions, creams, and balms after getting disappointing results. However not all hope is lost. Many consumers are turning to natural and handmade products to receive all the wonderful skincare benefits they desire without the harsh effects of traditional products.

One in particular is the salve, a powerful yet gentle and soothing ointment that has countless benefits.

Salve Benefits

Just to name a few :

  • Moisture
  • Anti-Aging
  • Anti-Acne
  • Vitamin & Mineral Rich
  • Anti-Inflammatory

Another great thing about salves, is that they are extremely versatile and have an array of different uses. Some of these may surprise you; read on to find out more!

The Classic: Healer

Of course, the majority of salve users all benefit from the most common intended use of a salve, which is to heal dry and worn out skin. Salves are great at restoring moisture. It’s important to remember that salves do this in a very natural and gentle way, without irritating the skin like most lotions and ointments that are loaded up with harsh chemicals would typically do.

For the use it is a simple process of putting a pea-sized amount of the salve on your fingertip and gently spreading it on any area of your body that could use a bit of moisture.

The Medical Assistant

What many people do not know about salves that are high quality often have wonderful healing properties and can reduce common irritations and minor skin injuries, effectively restoring healthy beautiful skin in its place.

Certain salves, such as Black Ointment can effectively treat cysts, splinters, boils, and even ingrown toenails! This is because of many of the healing herbs that many salves contain such as calendula and lavender. Using salves for medical purposes is just the same as for moisturizing and is simple matter of applying to the affected area using a pea-sized amount.

Get yours now.

The Cleanser and Acne Bully

Salve BenefitsI’m sure there’s a few of you teenagers out there reading who are struggling to fight off their stubborn acne on their face, back, among other areas.

What acne-sufferers need to know is that many of the traditional creams, cleansers, and prescription medications they are currently using to treat their condition are actually drying out the skin further and making the acne worse!

To effectively allow your skin to rid itself of acne, you must use products that are incredibly gentle, free of harsh chemicals, and that retain the moisture in the skin. Luckily for you, salves fit these criteria in every way! Salves have been shown in countless studies to be great at fighting oils and bacteria within the pores of the skin.

To experience these wonderful benefits, simply apply your salve immediately after cleansing with a gentle water-based cleanser. Don’t forget to wait a few minutes to lie down in bed if you are applying at night, as salves tend to be a bit thicker than the typical moisturizer and take a bit more time to dry.

Anti-Aging Formula

Have you ever wished that you could turn back time and teleport to your younger years when your skin was so smooth, clear, and hydrated? Salves can give you quite a close experience to this, as they have been shown in many studies to have anti-aging effects.

A Baby’s Paradise

Salves also can be wonderful on babies because of their gentle and natural formula. You can be assured that you are putting the least intrusive and irritating formulas on your young ones when using natural salves. One of these particular age specific uses is diaper rashes. Simply apply a fingertip amount to the affected area and watch the redness and irritation go away!

For the Worker’s Most Valuable Asset

What do artists, builders, sculptors, construction workers, and musicians all have in common? They all use their hands! For those people that have experienced a rough day on their hands, we all know the pain and inconvenience of having chapped and cracked hands.

Luckily for us, salves are wonderful solutions and because of their powerful healing properties, can help hasten the healing and bonding process so that your hands can get back to normal so you can pursue your passion. Simply apply a fingertip amount a few times a day or as needed.

Another benefit of salve is that they tend to not be greasy or leave residues on the hands after application.

Discover Gorgeous Soap Salves Today!

Some Surprising Salve Applications!

Heal All salveMany people do not know that salves don’t just have to be used for the traditional topical application. There are some other uses for salves that may just surprise you!

To start, did you know that salves can be used to treat bug bites? That’s right, many salves that have healing herbs such as myrrh can gently ease the redness and swelling of bug bites.

Think salves can only have a positive impact on the outside of your body? Well think again because salves can also be used to open up congested airways within the nasal and lung cavities!

Whenever you are feeling a bit under the weather, simply spread a generous amount over the chest area, and let your consciousness breathe new life!


One thing to keep in mind when considering the benefits of using salve is that in order for all of these great benefits to be present in the product, it needs to be made naturally and without any harsh irritating chemicals, preferably made by hand.

One example of this is Gorgeous Soap, which produces locally sourced handmade salves, soap bars, among many other wonderful products. Our salves are all natural and are sourced using only the highest quality ingredients, all of which are gentle, soothing, and have wonderful healing properties.

Click here to learn more about our all-natural, never artificial salves today!